Back to School Tips for Moms

I was compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser, Nature Made� for this post. All opinions are mine alone. #NewLookOfNatureMade? #NatureMadeAtWalmart #CollectiveBias

Back to school tips for moms including how to fit in exercise, eating a healthy breakfast, prepping the night before and taking your vitamins!

Back to school time is here and Adalyn is in kindergarten! My first kiddo in full-day school. I'm sad because I miss her but know that it was the right decision to send her early to kindergarten. I'm seeing that this is a really busy time of year with having to keep everything organized plus working from home full-time and taking care of two other young kids (one being a 2 month old baby). I do everything that I can to take care of the family and my health while staying sane. Today, I want to share my favorite back to school tips for moms.?
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