Happy New Year! For those of you who are new here, I'm Amanda, a dietitian, mom and blogger that loves trying new-to-me products. I started this blog 9 years ago and at first, it was all product reviews. I have since moved on to including healthy recipes, nutrition articles, parenting and more but I still love to try different products and share my opinions of them with you.
It is a passion of mine to know all of the best products on the market so you will see frequent products on here that I've tried and enjoyed. Though I have often received them as samples, all opinions are my own and you can trust that I would NEVER say that I liked something if I didn't.
1. Degusta Box
I love my Degusta Box because of all of the fun, new-to-me products that it encourages me to try. Her are some favorites from the month:Read more �
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